Indian Rosewood Woodturning Blanks!
Indian Rosewood's heartwood varies from golden brown to dark purple-brown. It's sapwood is cream colored. Some blanks contain both heartwood and sapwood. They yield finished turnings with great contrast. Indian Rosewood provides a wonderful grain pattern. It is hard and dense, and has good stability. Rosewood is an excellent turning wood and finishes extremely well. Rosewood is also prized for its use in tool & knife handles, custom pool cues, furniture, and cabinetry.
Our woodturning bowl blanks and spindle blanks are green wood. They are sealed in wax to slow or prevent drying.
Bowl blank measurements are diameter x height.
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Product Size |
Description |
Price |
4 x 2 1/2 Rosewood |
bowl blank |
$4.44 |
4x3 Rosewood |
bowl blank |
$5.33 |
4 x 3 1/2 Rosewood |
bowl blank |
$6.22 |
4x4 Rosewood |
bowl blank |
$7.11 |
6x2 Rosewood |
bowl blank |
$8.00 |
6 x 2 1/2 Rosewood |
bowl blank |
$10.00 |
8x2 Rosewood |
bowl blank |
$14.22 |
8 x 2 1/2 Rosewood |
bowl blank |
$17.78 |
8x3 Rosewood |
bowl blank |
$21.33 |
8x4 Rosewood |
bowl blank |
$28.44 |
10x2 Rosewood |
bowl blank |
$22.22 |
These are end-grain blanks which can be used to make hollow forms, tall vases & urns. I made this one for a kitchen utensil holder. The blanks are cut from branch sections of the tree and contain both heart and sapwood.
Blank measurements are diameter x height.
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Product Size |
Description |
Price |
3 1/2 x 8 1/2 Rosewood |
tall blank |
$15.00 |
4 1/2 x 10 1/2 Rosewood |
tall blank |
$21.00 |
5 1/2 x 11 Rosewood |
tall blank |
$48.00 |
6 x 11 Rosewood |
tall blank |
$49.00 |
7 1/2 x 8 Rosewood |
tall blank |
$45.00 |
7 1/2 x 9 Rosewood |
tall blank |
$50.00 |
9 x 10 Rosewood |
tall blank |
$73.00 |
9 x 11 Rosewood |
tall blank |
$80.00 |
Bowl blank measurements are diameter x height.
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Product Size |
Description |
Price |
2x2x16 Rosewood |
spindle blank |
$7.11 |
3x3x8 Rosewood |
spindle blank |
$8.00 |
3x3x10 Rosewood |
spindle blank |
$10.00 |
3x3x12 Rosewood |
spindle blank |
$12.00 |
3x3x14 Rosewood |
spindle blank |
$14.00 |
3x3x16 Rosewood |
spindle blank |
$16.00 |
3 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 10 Rosewood |
spindle blank |
$13.61 |
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