Norfolk Island Pine

Woodturning News! We just picked up a nice load of Mahogany logs. We hope to sawmill them in April. We have cut cylinders from some.

We will be cutting more Norfolk the end of April. We just got more logs and they need to sit a couple months before we cut them.

We've finished sawmilling Eastern red cedar and Monkey Puzzle. All are now on the site.

We have tall cylinders of Mahogany available These could be used for vases and urns.

The Rosewood is always beautiful. Here's a slab of it that we've cut.


camphor wood

A developer was clearing a large tract of land with many Camphor trees on it. The tree shown above is large but not the largest on the property. The largest one measured 27 feet around! Sad to see so many beautiful trees being cut down and chipped up. Luckily for us, we were able to get a couple loads before they hit the chipper.

camphor wood

This is a beautiful figured Camphor chip and dip platter that Steve made.

We are carrying some favorite woodturning supplies: Pentacryl Wood Stabilizer and End Grain Sealer.


A Rosewood log is pictured above during the milling.

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